Contact information:

  • (+994) 12 310 80 55
  • Baku city, Nariman Narimanov district,
    Alasgar Gaibov Street 10Q
    Business center "STN", 4th floor

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Azinvest Telecom Technology

About company

"Azinvest Telecom Technology" CJSC was established on May 18, 2017. The main activity of the company includes the construction and provision of the infrastructure services of communication networks.
Up to date, our company has successfully implemented large projects of national importance. The creation of stable high-quality and fast communication network in Alat Azad Economic Zone established on the basis of the order signed by the President of the country Mr. Ilham Aliyev in 2017 was carried out by Azinvest Telecom Technology JSC. Moreover, our company has implemented the construction of GPON network in many cities and villages of the country by order "Aztelekom" LLC, “Azeronline” LLC, "Bakı Abadlıq Xidməti" LLC and "Baku Telefon Rabitesi" LLC to provide modern communication services.
  • "Azinvest Telecom Technology" CJSC provides a wide range of construction and maintenance services of the communication network.
  • Our team of professional engineers and specialists provides GPON network construction, Fiber Optic trunk and distributor lines, restoration and maintenance of damaged lines, connection of Internet subscribers and so on. The works are carried out in a short time with quality. In order to increase the level of knowledge of our employees and strengthen security measures, trainings are regularly held and we constantly create conditions for the development of employees.

AzInvest Telecom Technology

Team staff

Vugar Abdullayev


Fatulla Saidov

Technical Director

Javid Mamedov

Finance Director

Ramziya Aliyeva

Head of Financial Department

Zabil Abbasov

HSE Engineer


Certificates and Licenses

AzInvest Telecom Technology